Natural perfume "Fild" (14ml) Natural perfume "Fild" (14ml) Natural perfume "Fild" (14ml) Natural perfume "Fild" (14ml) Natural perfume "Fild" (14ml)
Natural perfume "Fild" (14ml)
Natural perfume "Fild" (14ml)
Natural perfume "Fild" (14ml)
Natural perfume "Fild" (14ml)
Natural perfume "Fild" (14ml)
Product description

"Fild" - Natural perfume oil.

The aroma is very pleasant, fresh, delicate, which reaches from the wonderful fields. The composition of the finest efirnfh oils: lavandula, lavender, bergamot, eucalyptus ...

It perfectly combines the natural plant oils and natural essential oils.

The main advantage of our perfume oil is that they are made from natural ingredients only.

Another advantage - they are hypoallergenic. Of course we are not talking about those cases when a person is allergic to one of the essential oils included in the composition. Many common allergies even dust.

Oil perfume is best revealed in the warm weather. The ideal season for them - spring, summer.

In each bottle there is a composition of dried flowers.

Very beautiful, original and unusual looks a bottle of perfume.

Apply the perfume oil is necessary to clean the skin at the point of pulsating wrist, elbow, the ends of hair, knee cavity or near the pulsating points.

Do not apply perfume by finger! In the bottle can get sebum and dirt, which will contribute to deterioration of perfume.

Just one scroll ball which is in the upper part of the bottle roll.

Storage: Avoid direct sunlight!

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  • In stock
  • Product code: 16-04
280 UAH
Total price: 0 UAH
  • объем:
    14мл, 2мл
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Specifications Natural perfume "Fild" (14ml)
  • объем:
    14мл, 2мл
Natural perfume "Fild" (14ml)
In stock
Natural perfume "Fild" (14ml)
280 UAH
Feedback Natural perfume "Fild" (14ml)
Natural perfume "Fild" (14ml)
In stock
Natural perfume "Fild" (14ml)
280 UAH
Photos Natural perfume "Fild" (14ml)
Natural perfume "Fild" (14ml)
Natural perfume "Fild" (14ml)
Natural perfume "Fild" (14ml)
Natural perfume "Fild" (14ml)
Natural perfume "Fild" (14ml)
Natural perfume "Fild" (14ml)
In stock
Natural perfume "Fild" (14ml)
280 UAH
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