How to apply the cream on your face correctly?

Not many people know that the cream application technique may affect on its effectiveness. Hurried and inaccurate movement can only make the problem worse - lead to the formation of new wrinkles and stretch the skin. Therefore we advise all women to learn a simple rule: the application of the facial cream it's a ritual, which should be taken very seriously.
So, how to apply the cream on your face correctly? 
Always wash and clean the skin with a toner and then get started of the cream application. For this conveniently stay in front of the mirror, take a small amount of cream and put it on the skin by careful movements of fingertips. You don't need  to rub the cream! Your movements should be patting, not stretching the skin. As a result of such action cream nutrients will penetrate into the skin.
The cream can be applying by easy massage movements from the beginning of the eyebrows to the hairline, from the tip of the nose to the area between the eyes, from the wings of the nose to the cheeks and from chin to the cheeks. When applying the cream on the brow, perform a neat horizontal stroking from the center of the forehead to the temporal region.
And do not forget - use the best natural cream, because it contains no preservatives. Get acquainted with such products here. Natural face cream and its correct application - this is your way to healthy, youthful and shiny skin!

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