What kind of oil can we use for massage?

To make the right choice, we must first know what kind of result we want to get from the massage.

Before enumeration of essential and plant oils, we want to note that they moisturize the skin, relax the body, relieve muscle stress, improve circulation.

Olive oil is rich in oxidants and contains such important vitamins for the body as: A, D, E, K. It is a universal tool, hypoallergenic, which is suitable for all skin types.

Almond oil contains palmitic, oleic acid, protein substances. It warms the body and has anti-cellulite effect. In addition, almonds perfectly maintains the water balance of the skin, improves cell regeneration.

Jojoba oil penetrates deeply into the skin, thereby moisturizing and softening it. Also it's used as the sunscreen In interaction with other oils, not allowing them to spoil quickly.

Coconut oil protects the body from the negative environmental factors. It's odorless, hypoallergenic. Best suited for dry skin.

Shea oil is used for the treatment of cellulite and stretch marks. The best result gives to already mature skin.

We offer to buy massage oil of TM Swan.

On our website, you can see the whole assortment of products. If you have questions, call the manager of the contact numbers.


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