The company TM Swan - New - UBTAN!

The company TM Swan - New - UBTAN!

TM Swan company has developed and presented a unique and topical cosmetic for keeping skin young.

This cosmetic is called UBTAN.

UBTANs are presented for different skin types - dry and sensitive, for normal and combination, oily and problematic.This ayurvedic herbal mask is a powder of a mixture of dried herbs, cereals, nuts, clays ...

UBTAN used in ayurvedic health improvement system to cleanse, rejuvenate the skin and body as a phyto-mask or scrub.

UBTAN also used for daily washing.

Despite the fact that this product many hundreds of years, even today it is used in wedding ceremonies in India to make the bride's skin tender, supple and velvety.

You can buy this unique cosmetic on the company's website in one CLICK.

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