How to choose a baby soap?

Baby soap have to be natural and hypoallergenic. It should gently cleanse baby's skin without causing redness, rashes and flaking. Good baby soap should not contain synthetic additives, active perfumes and coloring agents, fragrances.

A baby's skin is significantly different from adult skin by its structure. It has a thin and vulnerable stratum corneum, the function of the sebaceous and sweat glands is just beginning to take shape.

Natural baby soap - is the best choice, because it does not contain any harmful substances and preservatives, synthetic additives, active perfumes and coloring agents.

Which manufacturer is preferable? The question is very important because, despite the wide variety of products available on the market, it's not easy to find a high-quality 100% natural product. We advise you to pay attention to the natural baby soap of TM Swan. It was created with love and care about the children's delicate skin. The composition has only natural ingredients.

All the raw materials, which are used in the production, is characterized by exceptional quality.

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